Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day Three Barcelona to Sevilla

Ok, what day is this? Sorry, I am a little behind. It has been a little crazy trying to get a good internet connection.

Well this is Barcelona. ...yeah look at all of those people. It was a little too much for me. There are some very amazing buildings, but shopping is nothing more than tourist junk and all the same shops you will find in Dallas or any other big city.

The Sagrada Familia. If there is one reason to go to Barcelona it is this amazing building. It is still under construction and not due for completion until 2024, but a must see. This cathedral was the life work of Antoni Gaudi, who gave his life savings to it's construction and died penniless not long after the construction began. His requirement was that the church be funded only by the people through donations. This is one reason it has been under construction for so long.

This is a detail from the front of the Sagrada Familia.

La Boqueria. (Farmers market)

Disney themed(...yet all is Spanish) water show at Font Magic.

Ah... Sevilla. This is the street to our guest house. The streets in Sevilla are so close together that they are said to be almost kissing. This is the reason they are known as kissing lanes. No cars on these streets.

This is the view from our room. After a long flight we called it a day.

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