Monday, October 26, 2009

Day Four - Sevilla

OK, I am going to write this post upside down starting with the end of day four and ending with breakfast. This should be fun for us all. :) (and it will save me from reordering all of these pictures. I am loading three days worth of blogs and it is getting late here so here we go.

We ended the night with an amazing Flamenco show. Lightning fast guitar and equally fast feet. From what I hear Dr. Hudson plays guitar just like this. They would not allow pictures so here is a nice night shot of the streets of Sevilla - the birthplace of Flamenco.

This is the view from the bell tower of the cathedral. As you can see it is easy to get lost in all of those little interwoven streets - and yes we did get lost several times.

The front of the cathedral.

This place was a little outside of the old city and was amazing, but I can't remember what it was called. I have it written down somewhere, but it is pretty late and I am not about to wake Penni up to find it. Sorry.

The Alcazar was my favorite place in Sevilla. All of the tile work and religious symbols from three religions were nice, but the garden was amazing.

A view of the inside with all the carvings and symbols.

And finally - or actually to begin - the view from our table at breakfast that morning.

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